Bits Of Me

I was born in USA, but didn’t get citizenship as according to US law children born under foreign delegates are immune to citizenship. That’s fine I have no regards. My parents provided me a good quality life in Bangladesh, I will always be grateful for that.

In 2016 I decided to study in US for my second masters and live near to my family. I could have choose Europe where  education is FREE and good quality life. But I chose my birthplace, in spite giving me nothing but my SSN I always felt a connection …a sense of belongings I don’t know…….. how to articulate in words.

My curiosity led to me study a complete different field. I was up for challenge. Isn’t it exciting when you go somewhere and  get completely new experience. But one thing that always bugged me is why education is so expensive in US? I was literally sad paying xxx amount of dollar for my tuition fee. The money that we saved has gone in seconds phewff!!….just like that!

Is Free education is a long lost concept here,I know it existed it before…nah seriously here ages ago? I talked to a lot of young generation about schools and life one thing was common is education is too expensive and debt is never ending?! Every kids should have the same basic free education and health care. Its not COMMUNISM but a GOOD SOCIETY? It is absolutely important to know that shaping a young generation will create a positive impact in the society and COUNTRY! Not with debt and costly education system and lifestyle.

I am optimist always will be someday this nations will provide FREE Education and Healthcare system to all.

American dream = land of opportunity = ?



534190_10150679492433926_1979228076_nWe all want beautiful luster hair! When you see yourself in the mirror the second thing  you see is you hair. When they fall you feel sad, as  a part of you  falling apart. But stop !and think do you check what shampoo you are using? The ingredients ? I guest most of you will say “no” all you check is the headline and subtext , rest is history.

Well I don’t want to lecture about “Sulfate Laurate or Sodium Lauryl ” etc.  You guys already know what harmful those chemical are less you use is better. I would only suggest that read before you use. Also there is so many herbal stuff around us, especially in the kitchen. Pls use it according to your preferences. There are lots of site on herbal care you can get info on. Pls people try to live a chemical free life as much as possible. The nature has bestow upon us with many natural things let us use it to live a healthy life!

After many years I started writing my blog. 



I felt I needed to express myself without being judge by anyone. I simply do not care. I am born liberal my thinking process doesn’t match with much people and I have learn to accept the fact this is the way it is.  Tell me something when a girl approaches a boy for date , coffee or simply a conversation should he take it otherwise? The universal question I come across sometimes can women be just be friends with men ? Or is it mandatory to develop feelings and fall in love..or heartbreak ? I believe life is too short you should be around people who you adore and love and has positive influence in your life. If you like someone tell them always and I mean always express your feelings ( P.S hatred is not encourage here)

Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we
really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work.
Someone would leave. Someone always leaves.
Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes.
I know w
hat I need. I need more hellos.

The room was full of candles,
flowers were scattered over the bed, light music.
Full of love pouring down all over the place .
Lost into their own world, they didn’t realize somebody was watching them.
Taking the plunge with some other guy while your husband comes up and
suprises you with a gun is indeed a nasty surprise!


Posted on: June 6, 2009

4619_87033594707_681384707_1732860_830288_nI mad about you! Why do you leave me every night when you promise me that you won’t leave my sight?
Wish I could count the days I died…… Its like brutal knife piercing into my heart without any drop of blood. I only felt content when you hold my hand and kiss me tenderly…whisper into my ear how much you love me. The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it.  You and you alone make me feel that I am alive.

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Michael Foley Photography's The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other.  It is not, as poverty was before, the result of natural scarcity, but of a set of priorities imposed upon the rest of the world by the rich.  Consequently, the modern poor are not pitied…but written off as trash.  The twentieth-century consumer economy has produced the first culture for which a beggar is a reminder of nothing. 

Photo Credit: Michael Foley Photography’s

04Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. 
Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member,
yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted.

nhub-love_letters2Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue.  Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them.  And the point is, to live everything.  Live the questions now.  Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer. ~~~~Rainer Maria Rilke

*one of my favourite lines*


daln122lThe obvious and fair solution to the housework problem is to let men do the housework for, say, the next six thousand years, to even things up.  The trouble is that men, over the years, have developed an inflated notion of the importance of everything they do, so that before long they would turn housework into just as much of a charade as business is now.  They would hire secretaries and buy computers and fly off to housework conferences in Bermuda, but they’d never clean anything.

Time Glass

May 2024


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